This collaborative showcase is a celebration of the bridal season and featured the hallmark bridal dresses of Rami Al Ali’s newest collection, and Damas’ distinct diamond...
Michael finds her inspiration through her travels and artworks. She listens to the voice of her customers, constantly thinking about their preferences while designing her jewellery...
Enthused by the success of Gaia by Damas, Luc Perramond, Chairman and CEO, Damas Jewellery, is certain thatlab-grown diamonds will have an increased market-share within the...
The collection offers different necklaces, earrings, rings and pendants with a moving mechanism crafted from 18 karat yellow, rose and white gold Damas has added a...
The Valentine’s Day collection launched by Damas Jewellery is all about romantic lovers who relish making the ultimate decision: whether to select a piece adorned with...